- технические условия
- 1) General subject: acceptance criteria (тж. критерии приёмки, требования заказчика; критерии выходного контроля, которым должна удовлетворять составная часть системы или система (программный продукт, приложение), чтобы её мог принять заказчик или ег), technic specifications, specification (АД), technical conditions2) Colloquial: specs (на продукцию)3) Military: (technical) specifications, Air Staff Requirements, specification requirements, technical provisions4) Engineering: code, performance specifications, (ТУ) specification for, specifications (сокр. ТУ), standards, technical regulation5) Economy: engineering specifications6) Accounting: regulation7) Architecture: specifications (specs) (ТУ), specs (specifications) (ТУ)8) Diplomatic term: quality specifications9) Telecommunications: specified criterion10) Information technology: engineering factors, requirements, requirements specification, technical requirement, technical requirements11) Oil: ES (engineering specifications), TR (technical regulations), TS (technical specifications), Technical specification, regulations, requirement, standard, technical, technical (engineering) conditions, technical regulations, technical specifications, technical terms and conditions, terms of reference12) Mechanics: engineering specification, standard specification13) Business: standard specifications14) Sakhalin energy glossary: Duty Specifications15) Microelectronics: data sheet16) EBRD: technical specifications (ТУ), technical standards (ТУ)17) Polymers: technical terms18) Programming: requirements specifications19) Automation: instantiation20) Quality control: technical data sheet21) Sakhalin R: specification (ТУ)22) Sakhalin A: project technical specifications23) Cables: quality requirements24) Makarov: spec, specification of requirements, specs25) Facilities: specification documents26) Logistics: serviceability standards, specification of quality
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.